Timetable 时间表
Time: 7.30 – 9.30 pm, Thursday
Topic/Classes: Bible Study in English, Bible Study in Mandarin
Time: 10.00 – 12:00 am, Saturday
Topic/Classes: English Classes, Conversation with Friends
Warm-up discussion: Talk about a festival that means a lot to you in a culture. Please first explain why it means a lot to you. Then, please compare it with a similar festival in another culture and share the similarities and differences.
Notes About Classes
We are using Zoom to run the classes online. You can download the software here. It can be used on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can use the following link or meeting ID to join the classes.
Meeting ID: 607 879 3262
- It is recommended to use a headphone/earphone with a mic for the sake of sound quality, but you can use the speaker if you want.
- It is recommended to join the class in a quiet room.
- It is recommended to keep the camera on so that we can see each other’s lovely faces.
- Please feel free to join the class half an hour earlier than the starting time so that we can have a free chat about what’s going on in each other’s life. For example, the Wednesday class will start at 7.30 pm, but you will be able to join in from 7 pm if you want.
Technical Trouble?
Please call/message Frank at 0420336886 for technical issues.
会议 ID: 607 879 3262
- 为了声音的质量,最好可以戴一个耳麦。当然,你也可以使用电脑/手机内置的扬声器和麦克风。
- 上课的时候最好可以选择一个安静的房间,以免背景声音互相干扰。
- 我们希望您可以打开摄像头,这样我们不仅可以听到声音,还可以看到彼此。
- 在课程开始时间的前半个小时,您就可以加入我们的会议了。这样,我们可以在课前随便聊天八卦。举个例子,周三的课程在晚上7:30开始,那么7点以后你就可以上线了。